Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Weird and Wonderful spots in Fallout 76

There are a ton of weird, wonderful and freaky places in Fallout 76.  Kudos to the developers/designers for all these hidden gems.

Every time I make a pass back through an area I find something new! Recent finds in The Forest.

A random totem/idol to whom?

 Dog with advanced math skills and a chem set?

 Inside a church in Helvetia (Forest zone).  Top is upstairs, bottom is the main altar.  Every church in the Forest has some freaky stuff going on!

Below are all from Point Pleasant.  There are the obvious Mothman tribute places, below are a few extras.  Don't forget to grab the eggs - they sell well!

Statue in the Mothman Museum. I'd like this as a housing item.

The "ritual offering" outfit.  I'm not keen on wearing the head piece, but do randomly wear the clothing.

Mothman poster.  There is one in Point Pleasant, but I think I took this photo in the Mire.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Fallout 76

Fallout 76 has been out a few months now and glitches, dupers and d/c-ing aside - love love love this game!

There are so many stand out features, off the top of my head....

NPCs. Now there aren't any 'human' NPCs as the Fallout fanbase is happy to point out, other than other players.  BUT the way the creatures and effected former humans act and react is just great. Animals that will hide or really runaway. Scorched and Super-mutants that will flank you or try to sneak up behind you.  And the dialogue they've given the robots and Super-mutants, some of it is priceless.

Geography, landscape and setting. Another excellent decision.  People from West Virginia say it is very similar to West Virginia.  A few of the cities have been relocated, but overall they've used many of the existing real places in game.  A big plus, most of the rocky walls, cliffs you can climb, unlike so many MMOs (looking at you WoW with so many you can't!).  The weather and day/night cycle are well done.  In the start zone it's less obvious it's night, but some of the others dark is dark!

All the hidden or not so obvious places you can visit with their own little stories going on.
The creative use of Teddy Bears and Gnomes in the game.  Funny stuff.

Enough puzzles and truly hidden features for those that are willing to search.
Wonderful array of apparel.
Actual surveyor's mark and location in game.  How cool is that?

Housing!!!  This can be finicky and glitchy at times, but the creativity people are displaying is very cool.  Players are sharing their creations here Settlements.  One industrious player (bolsey on reddit) actually cataloged ALL the available housing items, which has been awesome!  Catalog of Items.

 Great place for RPers.  Tales from Appalachia and FO76 Roleplayers Troupe on Reddit are two good sites for sharing stories, screenshots, etc.

Lastly, great community.  There is a very vocal 'we hate FO76' majority, but there is a great community on reddit - FO76 Filthy Casuals - that love the game and are very supportive of the growing community of people that are having a blast in West Virginia!  Surprisingly the majority of ingame players are friendly and helpful as well.

Link to my ever-growing .  I don't think I've ever taken so many screenies in a game before!
ingame photos hosted on IMGUR