Feldon over at EQ2 Wire is retiring the site after nine years of showcasing the news - both positive and negative of EverQuest 2.
Wish him a wonderful life in his new ventures. His voice will be missed in the EQ2 community.
After 9 years, it is time for me to call it quits on this EQ2Wire News site.
I feel I have always put players first, and that choice has
repeatedly cost me support I might have otherwise gotten from the EQ2
team and Sony Online Entertainment. At the last SOE Live, I was jokingly
branded “chief shit-stirrer” by the Community Council for my constant vigilance of issues affecting customers, and my frequent and often uncomfortable requests for accountability.
Read more >> http://eq2wire.com/2017/09/09/eq2wire-aug-13-2008-september-8-2017/
Monday, September 11, 2017
Friday, September 8, 2017
Secret World Legend Best Info Pages
FunCom Info sites - yes more than one - as FC thought a "forum" just wasn't the way to go......
SWL Reddit
FunCom Twitch Channel (Livestreams are 'generally' every other Friday)
SWL Twitter Feed
SWL Steam Forum
SWL Discord
Useful General Info Sites
SWL Forums (unofficial)
TSWDB.com (has the Legacy/TSW database too)
SWL Gear and Theorycrafting Spreadsheet
CryGaia Wiki
Guide to the Guides (reddit list. kept up?)
Group Role Primer (MerlinAesalon)
Tanking Guide (MerlinAesalon)
Healing Guide (MerlinAesalon)
DPS Guide (MerlinAesalon)
LAIR Guide (google.doc)
Scenario Survival Guide (Wyck Titalus)
Role Play
Secret World RP
Secret World Legends Role Play
Beyond the Veil (Weekly live on Twitch)
Radio Free Gaia
List of working/mostly working from TSW (09/07/17)
Fashion & Loot Tables
The Secret Buzz - Fashion Magazine
Sephora's Closet - TSW fashion pics/info
Weapon Skin Spreadsheet (google doc)
RoseQQ's Unique Loot Guide
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Secret World Legend patch notes 2.1.1
Patch 2.1.1 is live today (09/07/17). Lots of fixes, but the highlights are the addition of the New York Raid (Manhatten Exclusion Zone), the Build Manager and Lair Megaboss fights.
Update 2.1.1 Patch Notes
- The Future-Tech Cache is now available!
- The Build
Manager is now available! The build manager allows you to save your
currently equipped items, active abilities, and passive skills to a
build slot, allowing you to quickly swap builds at the click of a
button. This may be accessed from a new tab at the top of the Abilities
Window (N).
- The final lair rituals can now be performed on the public raids platform in Agartha.
- The Manhattan Exclusion Zone has been added to the Activity Finder under the Raids category. This new 10-player raid comes with a story mode that everyone can enjoy, as well as Elite difficulties for players seeking a greater challenge. To obtain the mission for the raid, please visit an Activity Board in Agartha first.
- A new timers window has been added to the game, accessible with Shift + L. This window will display the time remaining until daily refreshes, how many keys you currently have and when they will refill, and lockouts for raid content.
- Changed the way Item Power is calculated to care more about your core items and much less about your signets and slightly less about your glyphs. Overall Item Power will remain similar, but more power will be gained from upgrading core items than from upgrading attachments.
- Caches will now give distillate bags in addition to weapon bags or vanity items when those items are gained.
- Attempting to purchase membership before reaching Agartha for the first time will now inform players that they must progress farther before purchasing membership, instead of silently failing.
- The take all attachments button in the tradepost will now take all attached Marks of Favour from all mail.
- A Delete All Mail button has been added to the tradepost. This button will delete all mail.
- Fixed an issue where the Yes/No dialog box would not update which option was selected until the mouse was moved, making it possible to unintentionally select Yes when attempting to select No.
- Fixed an issue where some mission timers would not be removed once the task was completed or failed.
- The PvP achievements category has been moved into the Activities category, where all other activities accessible from the Activity Finder are located.
- The Colour of Tragic achievement now awards Clothing: Frowning Mask of Kan’ami. Characters who already have this achievement have had this clothing retroactively awarded.
- Fixed an issue where acquiring a new title could reset your current one.
- Fixed a crevice in Blue Mountain where it was possible to get characters stuck.
- Fixed a typo in The Hunter of Kingsmouth achievement.
- The Teleport to Tokyo > Kaidan has been added. Players will need to visit Kaidan in order to unlock this teleport.
- Adjusted a number of weapons that were equipped backwards when out of combat stance.
- New items are available for purchase with Third Age Fragments.
- The gadgets gained from scenario achievements can now be deleted. If you happen to delete them, they can be purchased from Doctor Caligari in Agartha for a small fee.
- The voice line when faction rank promoted now properly obeys the “Noncombat Voice Help” setting.
- The voice line when leveling up now properly obeys the “Noncombat Voice Help” setting.
- Updated art on the ability bar’s Anima Potion to make it more consistent with other abilities.
- Updated art for the Energy Bars to make them more consistent with ability icons for their respective weapons.
- Updated art for uninterruptable ability castbars, to make it easier to distinguish between interruptable and uninterruptable abilities.
- The death penalty indicator should no longer be responsive to mouse events if it is covered by a separate UI.
- Updated art for the Blade UI to be more in line with the new way that the mechanic works.
- Fixed a case on the Blade UI where shattered blade pieces would continue to wiggle excitedly after healing the player, even though they have no hope of becoming a whole blade any time soon.
- Fixed some Proximity Drones in The Carpathian Fangs dealing very high damage when they self-destruct.
- Fixed an issue which caused some enemies in Kaidan to give less XP and Anima Shards than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the bridges in the Akhenaten fight would sometimes knock the player around when they shouldn’t.
- Fixed a case where Akhenaten could become stuck at a preset HP value for an extended period of time.
- Fixed a cinematic during Mortal Sins that would only play for the team member that triggered it.
- Fixed an issue during the mission “Immersion” where a crate requiring interaction could become invisible.
- Players on “King of the Hill” will no longer disrupt players on “The Final Destination” by hitting the Orochi Clairvoyance Drone and gaining its attention.
- Fixed an issue in Tier 19 of “Mortal Sins” where players could get stuck on the assault if they disconnect or leave the area before it finishes.
- Raizo’s Jacket is now visible to all team members during “The Pagans”.
- Raizo’s Jacket now updates the team’s mission and disappears when one player takes the jacket during “The Pagans”.
- It is no longer possible to accidentally delete the Atenist Garb and therefore be unable to progress the mission “Black Sun, Red Sand”.
- The Prison teleport to Agartha will now properly send players to Agartha.
- Spectres that spawn after restoring power to the Fear Nothing Foundation will no longer be untargetable.
- Arbeh in A Shadow Over Egypt will now wait 10 seconds before despawning when his shield is removed.
- Collecting objects from the graveyard during “The Korinto-kai” will now provide team credit.
- Fleeing Oni in tier 1 of “Killers on the Road” will now be visible for all party members.
- Resonance Mines in “Benevolent Conspiracies” are now visible when placed.
- Fixed an issue that would occasionally cause sprint to cancel.
- Primal Instinct’s bonus was decreased from 215%. This bonus is now 100% for damage and healing over time, and 50% for detonating these effects early through Ferocity. This change is due to an issue with how the damage bonus was being calculated. We will be monitoring this change to ensure that Fists is still a competitive weapon.
- Increased the value of the healing received bonus on Recovery weapons to 2.5% / 5% / 7.5% at Mk I – III.
- Updated the description of Redemption to state the Martyrdom requirement to activate the ability. The ability itself is unchanged.
- Updated the tooltip of Eldritch Scourge to state that you need to have at least 1 Corruption or Martyrdom in order to gain the corruption or Martyrdom from this ability.
- Increased the percentage of missing health restored by Reap to 35%. This healing bypasses the Corruption penalty.
- Increased the percentage of missing health restored by Absolution to 35%. This healing bypasses the Corruption and Martyrdom penalty.
- Anima-Touched weapons will now properly obey healing penalties such as the penalties from high Corruption or Martyrdom.
- Resolved an issue that would cause the Signet of Thirst’s effect to remain after it had been exhausted of its healing.
- Signet of Thirst will now properly obey healing penalties such as the penalties from high Corruption or Martyrdom. Healing lost through healing penalties will not count toward Thirst’s healing cap.
- Signet of Thirst’s effects can no longer crit. They heal proportional to damage, so healing from a critical hit will still include critical power. This removes cases where they could essentially count as double crits.
- Manticore X27 Agitator, Evulsion, Glutton for Punishment, and Enter the Fray will now keep hate once they gain hate to allow tank swaps to happen more easily.
- Fixed an issue with the Hammer ability Pulverize that prevented certain weapons, such as the Flanged Mallet, from triggering their effects properly.
- Fixed an issue that prevented multiple players from benefiting the Elemental passive Glaciate.
- Updated the description of Maxwell’s Demon to reflect the fact that at least 50 heat is required for this passive to function.
- Updated the description of Flashpoint in an attempt to prevent confusion about interactions with other elemental abilities.
- The Spirit Blade FX will no longer persist when exiting combat stance.
- Effigy O35 Turret gadget now benefits from signet of Matter Creation
- Updated the icon for the Die Hard buff.
- Clothing rewards for completing Dungeons on Elite 10 have been moved to Elite 5.
- New clothing rewards have been added for completing Elite 10 dungeons.
- Fixed viewing boss fights from the anima well inside dungeons.
Hell Eternal
- Re-worked Eblis’s “Drink Deep” ability on Elite 5+ to be less punishing when players fail to interact with the mechanic.
- Failing a scenario no longer applies deserter (despite the protests of the survivors).
- Improved the visibility of the Sniper Shot ability marker.
- Made a large amount of new clothing available for purchase directly in the Dressing Room.
- Fixed an issue where the Faction berets had their genders swapped.
- Fixed an issue where male characters could not consume Western Boots, black if they already owned the Low western boots, black.
- Fixed an issue for male characters where the black morph suit was applying the gold head.
- Fixed a typo with the item name for Goon Gloves.
- Adjusted the Roman Key Sword weapon skin to apply at the appropriate angle.
- Adjusted the Flame-Wreathed Hammer weapon skin to apply at the appropriate angle.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
LFG List for TSW Achievements for Second Transfer (repost)
** Repost from the TSW Forum **
LFG List for TSW Achievements for Second Transfer
Hey guys! This is a list of current people Looking for Groups (LFG) for TSW achievements for the second transfer, and the document already has people added (including me). There are many people trying to get this stuff done, so let's coordinate to increase our chances and help others out! The main purpose of this list is for Nightmare (NM) Master Planner (MP) achievements, however, we are including non-MP people as well for those who just want to hang out for regular content/achievements.
I used a word document (click here) to compile the information and allow others to edit, which includes:
- TSW Name (alts included) - Add the character's name you will be playing on for achievements. If you play on alts, include their names for alt. contact.
- SWL Name (alts included) - For contacting them in SWL only.
- Other forms of contact - To contact you outside the game and to coordinate better. Discord and Steam are highly recommended due to chat system.
- Timezone & Available Hours - This is especially important. Also, keep in mind that some timezones have similar acronyms, so be specific.
- MP Achievements or Volunteer* - If you need all MP, list "All". If you need all but one, list all but one (ex: "All MP, no Tokyo"). If you are volunteering your time to help others or because you need BB, please say so, etc.
- Other achievements - Are you doing The Unseen as well? Need exploration or lore achievements? Dungeoneer? Need the Elites?
- Roles - DPS, Tank, or Healer? (and if you need carrying, please state so, that way two or more carries do not wind up together).
- Geared for Tokyo? - Did you make it to Tokyo? Are you geared for the NM dungeons?
- Extra Notes - Anything else people may need to know, like specific gear, etc.
Please fill out all the info so that everyone can group efficiently (and please do not edit anyone else's info unless you know them personally/have permission). Feel free to discuss/coordinate in this thread and the other threads (listed below), ask questions, post guides, etc. Anything helpful/important, like guides, will be linked in the second post. If you have suggestions on formatting, anything, please also speak up. I want to make this experience as efficient as possible!
If you need a guide on what to buy or earn before the second transfer takes place, please refer to our "Increasing Your Transfer Value" guide.
*Please keep in mind that the "Volunteer" option is for anyone doing NM to help others out, for BB, etc., and not necessarily for the achievements. If you are doing both because you already have a few NM achievements, feel free to put both. Please try to help out others as much as you can though, regardless of what you choose!
The other posts:
SWL Reddit
TSW Reddit
If you guys could post/spread this on the other TSW/SWL sites, that would be wonderful! Advertising in-game will be done with the script builder. (If someone knows how to copy/paste these so others can use them, please let me know!)
Last edited by Poisoness; Yesterday at 04:49 PM.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Secret World Legends
Personally I've found Secret World Legends (SWL) to be graphically prettier than The Secret World (TSW). One of the few things that is an improvement, IMHO.
Kingsmouth Harbor
City of the Sun God
Friday, August 18, 2017
FunCom Point Conversion
FunCom did it again. How to make a horrid decision that annoys/pisses off/kicks in the teeth of their player base.
Apparently they do NOT get that the veterans that have stuck with them through all the trials and tribulations of TSW and paid money over and above the GM (lifetime sub), to keep Secret World going are not their private punching bag. 70% of current Secret World Legends players are VETERANS. SEVENTY PERCENT! Can they not do the math?
I for one, am sick to death of their lying and bait and switch tactics. They've KNOWN for over a year (some hazard a guess as early as 2015) how this was going to play out, yet they keep stringing people along.
This recent news cost them the last of my goodwill. The $150 of Funcom points (purchased in May/June of 2016 BEFORE the cutoff date) are sitting unused in TSW and will sit there apparently along with all the money spent on Bank Space and extra Character slots.
Hard lesson to learn, but the trust is gone and I won't financially be supporting FunCom going forward. I'm going to be a F2P leech and enjoy the game without contributing a penny.
Brilliant business plan there FunCom, again. Screw your loyal supporters, again. I still love The Secret World and even SWL, but I won't play any future FC games. They've sunk to a new low in my opinion of an ethical company.
If this is a concern of yours, make your voice heard on either the Secret World Legends Discord thread or Reddit - as that's all FC listens to.
Apparently they do NOT get that the veterans that have stuck with them through all the trials and tribulations of TSW and paid money over and above the GM (lifetime sub), to keep Secret World going are not their private punching bag. 70% of current Secret World Legends players are VETERANS. SEVENTY PERCENT! Can they not do the math?
I for one, am sick to death of their lying and bait and switch tactics. They've KNOWN for over a year (some hazard a guess as early as 2015) how this was going to play out, yet they keep stringing people along.
This recent news cost them the last of my goodwill. The $150 of Funcom points (purchased in May/June of 2016 BEFORE the cutoff date) are sitting unused in TSW and will sit there apparently along with all the money spent on Bank Space and extra Character slots.
Hard lesson to learn, but the trust is gone and I won't financially be supporting FunCom going forward. I'm going to be a F2P leech and enjoy the game without contributing a penny.
Brilliant business plan there FunCom, again. Screw your loyal supporters, again. I still love The Secret World and even SWL, but I won't play any future FC games. They've sunk to a new low in my opinion of an ethical company.
If this is a concern of yours, make your voice heard on either the Secret World Legends Discord thread or Reddit - as that's all FC listens to.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Secret World Legends - Guide to the Guides
Over on the SWL (Secret World Legends) Reddit, Cheesyguy2113 compiled a Guide to the Guides that have been posted there.
Cheeseyguy2113 compiled ALL the current GUIDES into one Guide.
Some of these are on the sidebar / top bar, some are not - here's a quick list of stuff I've found useful all in one place. I did no work on these, save for tossing this list together. Feel free to add more below if you have any you'd like to see any additions, I'll edit them into the main post.
How to DPS
Bank / Marks / Misc
Acquire unique clothes by staring at people
Actives and Passives spreadsheet
Shadowy Forest Mission Route
Guide to endgame stats
List 'o loot
Group Roles
Guide to endgame stats
Unofficial Forums - SWL-forums.com - with builds / devtracker, etc
Guide to gear and upgrading
Overall general guide, oodles 'o misc info
Reddit Link to Awesome gear spreadsheet / Actual Spreadsheet of awesome gear - Thanks Red_Sticky
GUIDE to the Guides
Some of these are on the sidebar / top bar, some are not - here's a quick list of stuff I've found useful all in one place. I did no work on these, save for tossing this list together. Feel free to add more below if you have any you'd like to see any additions, I'll edit them into the main post.
How to DPS
Bank / Marks / Misc
Acquire unique clothes by staring at people
Actives and Passives spreadsheet
Shadowy Forest Mission Route
Guide to endgame stats
List 'o loot
Group Roles
Guide to endgame stats
Unofficial Forums - SWL-forums.com - with builds / devtracker, etc
Guide to gear and upgrading
Overall general guide, oodles 'o misc info
Reddit Link to Awesome gear spreadsheet / Actual Spreadsheet of awesome gear - Thanks Red_Sticky
Friday, July 7, 2017
Secret World Legends needs a Forum
Posted this on The Secret World forum, but it will likely be deleted as FunCom in its infinite wisdom has decided to relaunch TSW (The Secret World) as Secret World Legends (SWL) with enough changes that new people are confused
The veterans of TSW had a wonderful helpful community and are trying their best to continue, but there isn't a good place to store and discuss the accumulated information and wealth of knowledge the vets bring to the table.
FunCom believes Reddit, Twitter and Facebook suffice as communication vehicles and all have their place, but they're not a stable, searchable, community building place like a forum.
Anyway, here's the post....
Interesting discussion last night between many of the vets - the names that know TSW/SWL inside and out - about the need for #Noobmares to make its appearance.
Apparently there is much confusion on the Elites (seeing the questions). It would be great if there was a place that all the theorycrafters could post their ideas - that was SEARCHABLE. There is so much new info - what stats are needed, helping people with builds, etc. Daily chat is filled with the same questions every day, almost every hour and there is nowhere to point the new people too.
As much as the vets are NOT the target audience - they are still actively helping answer questions that FC has chosen to leave very much in the figure-it-out zone. Don't continue to alienate the vets, they are here because they love TSW/SWL, and truly want it to success, is giving them a place to put the combined wealth of information (ie a forum), that hard?
Or the option is to tell new people - go dig thru pages and pages of Reddit? Ask on Twitter or Facebook?
I was trying to find something for a cabal-mate regarding aurum to MoF and how they worked but you can't search the FC 'preferred' communication vehicles. Google returns mostly useless information, so ???
FunCom we need a forum. #SWLneedsaForum
The veterans of TSW had a wonderful helpful community and are trying their best to continue, but there isn't a good place to store and discuss the accumulated information and wealth of knowledge the vets bring to the table.
FunCom believes Reddit, Twitter and Facebook suffice as communication vehicles and all have their place, but they're not a stable, searchable, community building place like a forum.
Anyway, here's the post....
Interesting discussion last night between many of the vets - the names that know TSW/SWL inside and out - about the need for #Noobmares to make its appearance.
Apparently there is much confusion on the Elites (seeing the questions). It would be great if there was a place that all the theorycrafters could post their ideas - that was SEARCHABLE. There is so much new info - what stats are needed, helping people with builds, etc. Daily chat is filled with the same questions every day, almost every hour and there is nowhere to point the new people too.
As much as the vets are NOT the target audience - they are still actively helping answer questions that FC has chosen to leave very much in the figure-it-out zone. Don't continue to alienate the vets, they are here because they love TSW/SWL, and truly want it to success, is giving them a place to put the combined wealth of information (ie a forum), that hard?
Or the option is to tell new people - go dig thru pages and pages of Reddit? Ask on Twitter or Facebook?
I was trying to find something for a cabal-mate regarding aurum to MoF and how they worked but you can't search the FC 'preferred' communication vehicles. Google returns mostly useless information, so ???
FunCom we need a forum. #SWLneedsaForum
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Fallen Gate Server (Everquest II)
Always wanted to try Everquest II, but feel lost so many years later? Daybreak launched Fallen Gate Server last week. It starts old school and will 'add' each expansion every 12 weeks.
From EQ2:
The Isle of Refuge awaits your arrival as the newest Time-Locked Expansion server launches today! Now you can relive your early days in EverQuest II AND earn rewards that will carry over to other servers!
Heritage Quests are a staple of adventure in EverQuest II and we have
some exciting rewards for those who complete them on Fallen Gate.
Completion of any HQ on the Fallen Gate server will not only provide the normal reward, but also make a level appropriate version available for all your characters! Time to take those Journeyman’s Boots off the shelf put them to good use!
Once you have earned your reward, pick them up on any server from Fracture the Inheritance merchants located in Freeport and Qeynos.
The Fallen Gate server is only available to All Access Members, so sign up now and begin your adventure in Norrath!
FAQ for Fallen Gate Server here.
From EQ2:
The Isle of Refuge awaits your arrival as the newest Time-Locked Expansion server launches today! Now you can relive your early days in EverQuest II AND earn rewards that will carry over to other servers!
Explore EverQuest’s Heritage
Completion of any HQ on the Fallen Gate server will not only provide the normal reward, but also make a level appropriate version available for all your characters! Time to take those Journeyman’s Boots off the shelf put them to good use!
Once you have earned your reward, pick them up on any server from Fracture the Inheritance merchants located in Freeport and Qeynos.
The Fallen Gate server is only available to All Access Members, so sign up now and begin your adventure in Norrath!
FAQ for Fallen Gate Server here.
Gorowyn City Festival = July 1-7
From EQ2 Wire:
Come visit the shores in Timorous Deep for the Gorowyn City Festival July 1-7!
Spend City Tokens* on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink.
Make sure all your characters have finished the Gorowyn Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 244 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Wind Warden title.
Gorwyn is the "red marble" City Festival. It won't be available again until December (or on the broker if you're lucky!).
WHEN: 12:01am PT on July 1st – 11:59pm PT on July 7th
WHERE: Timorous Deep, on the dock, /way 2339, 80, 1441 (the merchants are found at /way 2388, 21, 1349)
QUESTS: Special Delivery, Special Order Crafting, Special Order Gathering
ACHIEVEMENTS: Delivery Ahoy, Harvesting Hoopla, Kella Caffeinated, Requisition Acclamation
MERCHANT ITEMS: EQ2 Traders | EQ2 Furniture
** City Tokens can be earned doing the quests during the City Festivals OR doing Writs at any time.
Come visit the shores in Timorous Deep for the Gorowyn City Festival July 1-7!
Spend City Tokens* on local specialties, generic festival goods, appearance clothing, or food & drink.
Make sure all your characters have finished the Gorowyn Postage Collection, speak to Kella Swampfoot to assist with festival quests, and achieve 244 seconds or less in the local Aether Race to earn the Wind Warden title.
Gorwyn is the "red marble" City Festival. It won't be available again until December (or on the broker if you're lucky!).
Red marble Dividers, column,mirror and counter
WHEN: 12:01am PT on July 1st – 11:59pm PT on July 7th
WHERE: Timorous Deep, on the dock, /way 2339, 80, 1441 (the merchants are found at /way 2388, 21, 1349)
QUESTS: Special Delivery, Special Order Crafting, Special Order Gathering
ACHIEVEMENTS: Delivery Ahoy, Harvesting Hoopla, Kella Caffeinated, Requisition Acclamation
MERCHANT ITEMS: EQ2 Traders | EQ2 Furniture
** City Tokens can be earned doing the quests during the City Festivals OR doing Writs at any time.
The Proof of the Pudding is finally done!
Yes. It is done! Proof the Pudding tradeskill questline in Everquest 2 is complete on all nine tradeskill professions!
Top row =Sage, Woodworker, Weaponsmith
Middle row = Alchemist, Carpenter, Provisioner
Bottom row = Tailor, Jeweler, Armorsmith
This signature quest is from the Rise of Kunark expansion (2007ish - ouch!), with a great reward. Mastercraftman cloak 1.0 and Earring of Solstice. There are multiple steps to get to this quest (rep grind with Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar for one). If you are level 72+ and can get the adventure quests that is much faster. Many of my crafters are below 40, so had to do the crafting grind after completing New Lands, New Profits from Taskmaster Greeblentus in Teren's Grasp. (I've only completed the rep with Bathezid to 40K+ on one character to access heirloom recipes for the gang.)
Now with EQ2's latest expansion, Kunark Ascending, this quest line is a requirement, so I figured I might as well get it done! I hadn't intended to do ALL 9 professions, but found it wasn't quite as bad as many made it seem and was going to be needed anyway so why not.
So, turned on Netflix and crafted away!
This is the crafting center where many hours has been spent. Having this set up - crafting stations, depots full of materials and fuel, and the house published for speedy travel back in forth from the writ giver in Bathezid made this much easier.
Once that grind is completed, a chat with Danelak Hosfoak, (must be level 80), one more crafting task for him (trade skill specific), and then it was off to Neeta Cabbageleaf in Rivervale.
You can craft items for your alts and put them in your shared bank as they'll be classed as Heirloom.
Much crafting left to do, as the gang works towards crafting level 100 (Provisioning, Carpentry and Alchemy are done!) as well as ALL of the new Artisan Tradeskill lines in Tears of Veeshan, Altar of Malice, and Thalumbra still to do.
Here's a wonderful guide to Proof of the Pudding on EQ2.Wikia
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
The Secret World - Golden Week March 1-8

Gilded Rage
The golden Guardian of Gaia, Samsu Nasiru, walks the earth again. Gather your best allies and hunt them down to earn your special rewards and tokens!Doubled Ability Points
Every time you gain an Ability Point during this week, you will be awarded an additional bonus Ability Point! This effect stacks with Timed AP boosters that are available from the Item Store. This bonus doesn’t work with AP Injections!Golden Vendor & Event Bags
The Merchant of Glitz opens for business with a fresh stock of High Roller’s Valises and pets! High Roller’s Valises purchased from the Item Store grant 1 Lucky Coin when opened! The Golden Bag of Lady Luck returns for those who want to spread some cheer, and grants 3 Lucky Coins to the kind soul that opens it.Glitz and Glam
The golden outfits and unicorn once again have their deep discounts, joined by the Gilded Geist Rider! Remember, this mount is only available during the event!FUNCOM: http://www.thesecretworld.com/news/GoldenWeekMAR17EN
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Everquest II City Festival February 1-7th
EQ2 City Festival starts February 1st.
Find the shinies for a housing item (mailbox). Or do the repeatable Far Seas Requistion quests (great to boost your trade skill with a super easy repeatable quest), Aether racing or do a bit of shopping for your house.
Kelethin Specialty Items (February/August)
EQ2 Decorators for pics of all the goodies.
Never attended a City Festival in EQ2? ZAM has a great over-view of the Live Event, including quests and items available for purchase.
EQ2wikia: http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/City_Festival
You can earn City Tokens during the Festival or by doing Crafting (Tradeskill Writs).
Find the shinies for a housing item (mailbox). Or do the repeatable Far Seas Requistion quests (great to boost your trade skill with a super easy repeatable quest), Aether racing or do a bit of shopping for your house.
Blue Shelf Fungus | Chair of the Acorn Scholar | Gourd of Cranberries |
Gourd of Raspberries | Engraved Kelethin Door (added 2/2011) | Kelethin Banquet Table (added 5/2011*) |
Kelethin Curved Table | Kelethin Desk | Kelethin Display Counter (added 8/2010) |
Kelethin Leaf Chair (added 5/2011*) | Kelethin Pedestal Table (added 5/2011*) | Kelethin Plain Floorlamp (added 8/2010) |
Kelethin Round Counter | Kelethin Sign | Polished Wood Block (added 2/2012) |
Polished Wood Half Block (added 2/2012) | Polished Wood Railing (added 2/2012) | Polished Wood Rounded Tile (added 2/2012) |
Polished Wood Short Column (added 2/2012) | Polished Wood Short Divider (added 2/2012) | Polished Wood Stair (added 2/2012) |
Polished Wood Tall Column (added 2/2012) | Polished Wood Tall Divider (added 2/2012) | Polished Wooden Column |
Polished Wooden Mirror | Polished Wooden Tile | Wooden Pole |
EQ2 Decorators for pics of all the goodies.
Never attended a City Festival in EQ2? ZAM has a great over-view of the Live Event, including quests and items available for purchase.
EQ2wikia: http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/City_Festival
You can earn City Tokens during the Festival or by doing Crafting (Tradeskill Writs).
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