The new Starer Deck builds are Cage Master, Champion, Commando, Enforcer, Haruspex, Maverick, Polarizer, Punisher and Trickster. Reading the posts on the TSW forum, all appear to be viable to use in Kingsmouth questing. I haven't tested any specifically, but am glad FunCom has given more starter ideas for those new to the game.
Each new Starter Deck gives you a Multislot outfit which is really cool. The variety of clothing in The Secret World is really one wonderful feature. (The outfits are the same for all three factions.)
As I had filled in the inner ring already, (30% completed the whole deck so far!) I claimed all the outfits last night and took some screenshots to share.
I borrowed InfamousBrad's (from the TSW forum) information on the abilities and builds. Thanks for all your hardwork InfamousBrad!
>>I went to the trouble of typing this information up specifically so that the builds-forum gurus could pick it over; my personal remarks will follow in a separate message. So, with no further ado, here are the nine "starter decks" from yesterday's testlive patch:<<

Active Abilities: Claw, Blood Spike, Wild at Heart, Hog Wild, Angelic Aegis, Pack Leader, Go for the Throat
Passive Abilities: Sharp Claws, Predator, Lick Your Wounds, Dark Potency, Unholy Knowledge, Angel's Touch, Out of the Woods

Actives: Blade Torrent, Wild at Heart, Balanced Blade, Nurture, Surging Blades, Martial Discipline, Stunning Swirl
Passives: Perfect Storm, Regeneration, Immortal Spirit, Lick Your Wounds, Nurturing Gift, Sharp Blades, Fluid Defense

Actives: Safety Off, Fire at Will, Both Barrels, Buckshot, Lock & Load, Anima Shot, Slow the Advance
Passives: Extra Bullet, Eagle Eye, Hit & Run, Rapid Reload, Extra Clip, Anima Boost, Experience

Actives: Pump Action, Both Barrels, Call for Eris, Buckshot, Illusion, Breaching Shot, Kneecapper
Passives: Sawed Off, Gnosis, Dead on Target, Rapid Reload, Master of Illusions, Breach Party, Authority

Actives: Boiling Blood, Blood Spike, Infection, Combust, Angelic Aegis, Anima Charge, Molten Earth
Passives: Volatile Current, Elemental Force, Mind over Matter, Vigilante, High Voltage, Coup de Grace, Toxic Earth

Actives: The Business, Shootout, Dancing Blade, Wanted, Above the Law, Martial Discipline, Dirty Tricks
Passives: Magnum, Straight Shooter, Immortal Spirit, Coup de Grace, Vigilante, Regeneration, Rapid Getaway

Actives: Shock, Shootout, Electrical Storm, Thor's Hammer, Above the Law, Anima Charge, Molten Earth
Passives: Volatile Current, Elemental Force, Mind over Matter, Vigilante, High Voltage, Coup de Grace, Toxic Earth

Actives: Smash, Haymaker, Fire at Will, Hell to Pay, Anima Shot, Stonewalled, Shockwave
Passives: Below the Belt, Street Fighter, Hard Impact, Righteous Fury, Anima Boost, Stone Cold, "Cool, Calm & Collected"

Actives: Escalation, Call for Eris, Wild at Heart, Hog Wild, Paradox, Illusion, Domino Effect
Passives: Intensity, Lick Your Wounds, Paradigm Shift, Chaos Adept, Gnosis, Master of Illusions, Probability