So quick update -
Sithi -
Received a wonderful gift from GM - Black Tabby Cat that I've been lusting after but too cheap to buy as it's Horde only. He also happened to locate and help me tame Gondria (now named Ender for Ender's Game).

Passed the 10k pvp kill and have been trying to hit as man WG's as possible and have enough for another PvP piece or two. I did get the Black War Mammoth yesterday (300 stone shards ... gulp!)

Lots more achievements down - including Argent Crusader - w00t finally! Now doing the dailies for the pony. I want the squire mobile and running errands!!! Plus the tabard and all the pets and . . . keep the carrots coming Bliz!

Sithi's also working on Loremaster and the fishing/cooking achievements and very very slowly the Netherwing, just shy of Revered right now. I hate going out there, but lust for those mounts! They've been on my list since the first time I saw them. Much nicer than the proto drakes IMHO!
Sassrani - working on her achievements/rep grind. Currently Hodir quest chain and Argent Tournament. She's far behind Sithi, and doesn't have a good revenue stream yet, but working on the girlie!
Greaf's been herbing and glyphing but not much else as of late. The rest have been on a bit of a vacation other than the Hollows End stuff. Achievement chasing takes time!